We have to stop imagining robots against humans

We have to stop imagining robots against humans

Isabelle Chappuis is an economist and director of the Swiss Center for Positive Futures at the Faculty of HEC of the UNIL. She recently published a book on the future of work, starting with HR. She tells us about it.

You have just written a book about the work of the future. Can you tell me which job will disappear?

I am a futurist, but I do not make predictions. I highlight all the futures and dilemmas ahead, so that we can make better informed choices. But don't ask me if plumbers or cashiers will disappear. There are algorithms that make these kinds of predictions, but it's very tricky, because the future is not a linear projection of the present, let alone the past. Having said that, we must still ask ourselves questions, for example about the future of jobs in sales, because this sector is largely disruptedtnot only by the health crisis, but also by digitalisation and changing behaviour. Yet the sales sector is chosen by 24% of young people in apprenticeships today, and these are people who'We are sending them to the box "stress".


Les nouveaux emplois

The new jobs

Labour shortages are becoming widespread, including with the massive development of robots.

The developed economies, driven by innovation, are changing so dramatically that there will soon be a shortage of hands and brains everywhere. The new German government under Olaf Scholz has taken the measure of the changes. Europe's largest economy has decided to anticipate a crisis that will soon become a reality.'s largest economy has decided to anticipate a crisis that is worsening with the ageing of the population. The country has announced that it wants to attract 400'000 net newcomers per year, i.e. four times its current balance. In the process, the country will facilitate naturalisation and open its borders even wider to highly qualified people from all over the world. A first in Europe.



The digital workforce

The digital workforce

The digital workforce is a phrase that has recently been coined to describe a variety of robotic and automated solutions for driving productivity efficiencies in the workplace. Some of these technologies are in their early stages of development, while others are coming to maturity and undergoing mass adoption by businesses.

In most cases, the digital workforce will not be a physical embodiment of a digital worker. Rather a virtual robot (software) that will be either working in the background or accessed by consumers and co-workers through a command based interface.

For businesses, the introduction of Robotics Process Automation (RPA) has allowed substantial reductions in headcount in traditionally highly manual and cost-intensive processes. WorkFusion, an intelligent automation platform, allows clients to have automation rates of up to 60% on some teams, freeing up resources to focus on value-add activities.

For customers, they may be exposed to robots via a chat function on instant messaging (IM) or through a website, however conversational automation (known as natural language processing) is currently undergoing significant development. WeChat is a leading example of successful deployment of chat bots, with a broad range of organisations using this digital capability to reach consumers.

Today's fast-moving digital economy will reward the early movers that have already begun their automation journey with brisk movement up the learning curve. As workers learn to interact with robots - a
relationship that will become mutually beneficial if developed effectively - we will see greater stability and definition of internal governance in the new digital workforce.

The introduction of the digital workforce for most workplaces is likely to occur in a series of evolutions. These evolutions can be broken down into the following categories, differentiated by the
computing complexity of the solution :

  • Evolution 1 - Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
  • Evolution 2 - Cognitive computing
  • Evolution 3 - Artificial intelligence


Le vrai défi est la complémentarité homme-machine qui consiste à laisser la technologie traiter de grandes quantités d’informations pour permettre à l’humain de se libérer des tâches à faible valeur ajoutée et s’adonner à des missions plus complexes.

With the help of the digital and intelligent workforce, we passionately support and accompany you in meeting the challenges of digital transformation to address the various business issues of your company.

What do we have to offer you?

From analysis to implementation, we like to find the ideas, the paths and all the resources to achieve your goals successfully


The "Intelligent Digital Workforce" is a constellation of technologies capable of giving machines the ability to perceive, understand, act and learn in order to augment human capabilities.

Process Automation Robotics (PAR) is a technology using business logic and structured inputs to automate business processes.

Using RPA tools, a company can configure software, or a "robot", to capture and interpret applications to process a transaction, manipulate data, trigger responses, and communicate with other digital systems.

RPA scenarios range from the simple creation of an automatic email response to the deployment of thousands of robots, each programmed to automate jobs in an ERP system.

RPA robots are capable of mimicking many - if not most - of the user's human actions. They connect to applications, move files and folders, copy and paste data, fill out forms, extract structured and semi-structured data from documents, open browsers, etc. They can also be used to create and manage applications.

 To know more about it

A chatbot is a software robot that can dialogue with an individual or consumer through an automated conversation service that can be carried out through choice trees or through an ability to process natural language.

Chatbot originally uses question and answer libraries, but advances in artificial intelligence increasingly allow it to "analyze" and "understand" messages through natural language processing (NLP) technologies and to be equipped with machine-learning capabilities.

Chatbot - For what purpose?

  • Relation 4.0 (current tools, XYZ generation)
  • Lead Generation
  • Better prequalification of requirements
  • Saves expertise time to be reallocated to more complex cases
  • Increase in the perceived value of services
  • Differentiation from competitors
  • Cost reduction

 To know more about it

The construction of models based on the analysis of a large amount of data makes it possible to predict certain actions.

Thanks to the increasing digitization of information, and the rise of digital analysis tools, this type of marketing crosses various data sources to anticipate future consumer actions.

Prediction is no longer done through classic segmentation analyses based on criteria drawn from marketing studies. Today, beyond classic segmentation and targeting, specific algorithms have been developed to predict and anticipate human behaviour. Through predictive marketing, a company can propose the best possible offers, at the right time, through the right relational device. For example, anticipating the departure of a customer to the competition and acting proactively to retain them.

This marketing is part of Marketing 3.0: a new form of marketing that focuses on functional, emotional and even spiritual values. The participation and collaboration of the client is essential .

Predictive marketing tools - For what purposes?

  • Cost rationalization
  • Performance Improvement
  • Optimization of customer relationship management
  • Customer Loyalty

A project from design to maintenance through development, in business immersion to offer you solutions adapted to the systems already in place, to your corporate culture and to your work processes.

Tailored CEW Solution - For what purpose?

  • Better customization
  • A better response to a business issue not covered by the main AI solution providers on the market

You want to make a better